Week 4 Day 4 - Pilates x Strength


November 2023
Week 4 Day 4 - Pilates x Strength

Week 4 Day 4 - Pilates x Strength

Equipment: Ankle Weights, Light & Medium Dumbbells (I'm using 5 & 10lbs)

3 Min Warm Up

Set 1:
45 seconds on, 15 seconds off
x3 rounds

  1. Squat to twist squat to lunge 

  2. Chest fly with single leg drop

  3. Bridge oblique crunch 

  4. Crab toe touch (forearm down hand to toe)

  5. Hollow hold to skull crusher

Set 2 (take ankle weights off if you were using them in Set 1):
45 seconds on, 15 seconds off
x3 rounds

  1. Deadlift to reverse lunge row

  2. Fire hydrant to kickback (on one forearm)  

  3. Forearm plank with hip lift + leg lift 

  4. Side kneeling elbow to knee crunch 

  5. Foam roller bridge to extension

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