Equipment: Light/Medium Dumbbells (5lbs + 8lbs), Ankle Weights (2lb), Medium Resistance Band.
Plank walkout to downdog updog
Cat cow
Bird dog crunch
Tabletop hover to down dog
Fire hydrant to straight leg kickback
Pilates (45 seconds on 20 seconds off):
Alt toe taps in tabletop
Double toe taps
Glute bridge
Single leg glute bridge with leg lower
Single leg deep core hand to knee tap
Pilates hundreds
Single leg stretch to chest
Double leg stretch with around the world arms
Side plank reach through R/L
Side kneeling crunch with reach
Plank forward and back rocks
Glute bicycles
Knee to elbow extension
Bird dog hold with thread the needle to side reach
Bird dog crunch + bird dog hand to toe tap
Squat to forward reach
Single leg RDL
Serve the platter to tricep extension
Jump rope
Cool down:
Plank walkout to downdog up dog
Cat cow
High lunge to hamstring stretch
Child’s pose to shoulder stretch