Pilates x Strength x Core


October 2024
English (auto-generated)
Pilates x Strength x Core

Pilates x Strength x Core

Equipment: Dumbbells, Ankle weights (optional), Yoga block or pillow (optional)


  1. Forward fold, plank walkout, updog, downdog

  2. High lunge mobility combo

  3. Scorpions

  4. Rolling cat and cows

  5. Pelvic tilts to deep core engagement

Circuit 1:

  1. Weighted bird dog lifts x10 reps

  2. T-rotation to deep core knee lift

  3. Rainbows

  4. Glute bridge with chest fly

  5. Weighted deadbugs

  6. Butterfly extension

  7. Glute bridges

  8. Single leg glute bridge with leg raise

  9. Tabetop toe taps

  10. Reverse plank hip lifts

  11. Reverse tabletop with single knee to chest drive

  12. Bear crawl hold with deep core knee taps

  13. Modified side plank with hip lifts

  14. Side lying straight leg lifts

  15. Modified side plank with thread the needle

  16. Weighted flutter kicks

  17. Weighted tabletop to straight leg extension

  18. Weighted glute bridges

  19. Deep core glute bridge marches

  20. Single arm overhead press with deep core marches

  21. Overhead press with deep core march

  22. Bear crawl iso hold

Cool Down:

  1. Childs pose to updog

  2. Shoulder stretch

  3. Lying scorpions

  4. Pigeon pose

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